Farm Safety

The Facts

  • Every year, over 120 children are killed from injuries on the farm. About 12,000 children experience serious injuries. These injuries are caused by risks like tractors, machinery, large animals and ATVs.


  • Parents can help children stay safe by assigning tasks that are age-appropriate, teaching children to do those tasks properly, and watching to be sure kids are ready to do those tasks safely before they do them unsupervised.
adult and 2 children on a farm

What parents can do

  • Only allow age-appropriate tasks on the farm.
  • Teach your child the task.
  • Be prepared in case of an emergency.
adult and child on a farm

Only allow age-appropriate tasks on the farm

  • Do not have children try to do things that are beyond their ability to do safely.
  • To learn what work tasks are age-appropriate, check out this guide from Cultivate Safety.
  • Keep play areas separate from work areas.
  • To learn what non-work tasks are age-appropriate, click here.

Teach your child the task

  • Show them the important parts of the job and have them practice. Then, watch them do the task several times. Make sure they know how to do it safely before you let them do it alone. Give frequent breaks – children have a shorter attention span than adults and need breaks often.
    • Praise children when you see them using safe behaviors, and correct them when needed. Being specific when you praise kids helps them to learn.
      For example, when your child washes up after feeding the cows, you can say “Great job washing up after feeding the cows kiddo! I love to see you following the safety rules!”
  • When children are too young to work on the farm, or are taking a break from their chores, they need a separate and safe place to play. Play doesn’t mix with farm equipment, animals, or vehicles. And of course, the youngest children will require careful supervision while playing on the farm.
  • Keep supervising even when they do the job alone – check on your child periodically to make sure they continue to do the job safety.

Here is a guide from Cultivate Safety to help determine if your child is ready for the job.

adults teaches child to use a riding mower

Be prepared in case of an emergency



first aid kit

Is this task age appropriate?

interactive content

Farm Map

Explore the potential hazards in the farm using the map:

interactive content